All SAIFCharter members are now due to complete the annual renewal to remain a member of our Association in 2020/21. You can complete your declaration online in a few, easy steps via the email issued to all members today, Wednesday 19 February. Simply click on the link contained in the email and complete the declaration to ensure you will receive enhanced rewards and exclusive benefits in 2020/21.

As the owning association of Golden Charter, we have the ability to shape the commercial success and influence the future of the independent sector. There are also a range of benefits available to members including:

  • Golden Charter’s highest funeral plan pay outs
  • Volume allocations of plans and Funeral Benefit Options
  • Exclusive Member’s Additional Maturity Bonus
  • Support for funeral plan marketing activities
  • Access to, the biggest funeral director website exclusively for Independents
  • Opportunity to join a SAIFCharter Working Group and represent the views of independent funeral directors in the development of the funeral planning market
  • Free membership

The deadline to complete the renewal is Tuesday 31 March 2020. If you have not completed your 2020/21 renewal by this date, you will lose your eligibility for membership benefits.

If you have any questions or have not received the email containing your renewal link, please contact