Nomination details

There will be two SAIFCharter Executive positions up for election this year at the SAIFCharter Annual General Meeting being held on Saturday 21 September at the Royal Lancaster London.

SAIFCharter Secretary John Byrne will be standing for re-election, having completed his initial three-year term and SAIFCharter Chairman, Julian Walker’s office is now complete, having served two three year terms. Julian’s Chairmanship will therefore be coming to a close in September.

One of the criteria to stand for election to the SAIFCharter Executive is involvement in one of the SAIFCharter working groups. There are four working groups and each focuses on a different aspect of Golden Charter’s business and the funeral planning profession.

The four working groups are; Marketing and Membership Benefits, Monitoring & Compliance, Product Development & Innovation and The Voice of the Funeral Director. To find out more information on each group, please visit

If any qualified member wishes to stand for election they must submit their written nomination by Friday 9th August, six weeks in advance of the AGM to This will allow SAIFCharter time to publicise their interest in advance of the vote.

The ability to vote electronically, and in advance of the AGM, will be made available in the secure members’ area of this website. When the time comes, make sure you have your say in the future direction of the Association.