In the latest episode of Golden Charter’s Partnership Podcast, Graeme McAusland Funeral Planning Authority (FPA) CEO, discusses what the new FPA rules and code of practice mean for Independents, why we’ll need a more formal agreement with our funeral plan provider, and why this is a good thing for us and the families we look after.

Under the new FPA rules all funeral directors who sell plans on behalf of a registered provider must have a formal agreement in place.  In the podcast Graeme discusses why this is needed to underline our commitment to professional standards and putting customers at the heart of our businesses.  Graeme also discusses the responsibility being placed on funeral plan providers.

He said: “Plan providers will have to demonstrate that they have appropriate oversight of the funeral directors they work with. To do that without a contract is very difficult, and probably impossible.

The way this market is going, the planning companies will be the regulated entities, they’re the people the regulators are going to come after if things go wrong, and therefore their motivation for putting in place requirements is driven by that.”

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