A message from John Byrne, Incoming SAIFCharter Chair

 It gives me great pleasure to write to you as your newly appointed SAIFCharter Chair.

I’m grateful to the other members of the SAIFCharter Executive for electing me to this position. I hope I can serve you with the same enthusiasm and energy as those who have held the office before me.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to our outgoing Chair, Adam Ginder, for everything he has accomplished over the last five years as Chair and the dedication he has shown to our association. Adam took the decision to step down as Chair to ensure the best continuity for the association, supporting me in my first year as Chair whilst remaining on the SAIFCharter Executive and the Golden Charter Board as a Non-Executive Director.

While there were no Executive positions up for election this year, there were a number of other changes that we announced at our AGM.

SAIFCharter governance
James Tovey will be concluding his term on the Golden Charter Board in November 2024 after eight years. SAIFCharter has therefore been recruiting for an eligible candidate from the SAIFCharter Executive to take up the role of Non-Executive Director on the Golden Charter Board. Following a successful interview, Maria Stibbards will take over as Non-Executive Director in November. Maria is currently joining the Board meetings as an observer to ensure she is fully up to speed when James steps down.

Paul Stevenson is also concluding his term on the Golden Charter Trust this month after eight years. SAIFCharter went through a recruitment process to find a suitable replacement to fulfil the role of funeral director Trustee of the Golden Charter Trust. George Locke was successful in his application and will take over as a Trustee at the start of October. George has been engaging in an induction programme with the Trust with the support of Paul.

Congratulations to Maria and George. Both roles involve an opportunity to engage at a strategic level within the company and bring the funeral director perspective to life. I’d like to thank James and Paul for all their years of service and the many contributions they have made during their time on the Board and the Golden Charter Trust. James and Paul will remain on the SAIFCharter Executive and support Maria and George as they navigate the first year of their new positions.  

We’re pleased to welcome Mark Huggins as a member of our Executive in his new role as CEO Designate of Golden Charter. Mark has been joining our meetings and hosting regular update calls over the past year to ensure we are kept fully informed of Golden Charter’s progress with strategy. We look forward to working with Mark more closely to support the long-term security of independents.

As the SAIFCharter Executive approved my transition to SAIFCharter Chair, Jill Glencross put herself forward for SAIFCharter Secretary and the Executive voted in favour of Jill becoming our new Secretary. Congratulations Jill.

Best wishes,
John Byrne

SAIFCharter Chair